“What has been done, thought, written, or spoken is not culture; culture is only that fraction which is remembered.”
Gary Taylor (The Clock of the Long Now)

Motivation #

This is the third version of helioslyons.com. I started by making a Squarespace blog, which I later migrated to a static blog generator, followed by this Hugo Book-theme static wiki. Based on that history this new website is intended to consist of a blog combined with a wiki providing documentation for my tools, and articles on topics of interest.

I feel that my current job as developer would be almost impossible without the huge array of blogs that I consult regularly for specific topics. I hope that this website can be a contribution to this digital garden. Below is a list of some of the sites that I cherish and consult frequently; I hope these in tandem with this website can serve as inspiration for your own personal wikis. If you know of other blogs or websites that you think are interesting, please let me know!

Some inspirations #

License #

This site is licensed under the Creative Commons public domain (CC-0) licence. This follows the philosophy of copying and reproduction in which this website was created, potentially contributing to free and open source software, while costing me nothing.